WEB PRODUCT INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents of PRODUCTS.TXT, filesize = 6747 bytes, date = 3-20-92. Copyright 1991-1992, WEBCORP. All Rights Reserved. The following information will help you decide if you want to purchase a registered license for the 2.55 or 3.00 versions of WEB PairWare, or the card-based version of WEB 3.00. THE WEB NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION 2.55 --------------------------------------------- The core of all WEBCORP local area network software is the WEB Network Operating System. Version 2.55 of WEB has been shipping since April, 1991. The primary features of WEB 2.55 are: 1. Hardware Independence WEB supports all network adapters that include a Novell IPX driver. This lets you build ARCnet, Ethernet, and Token Ring networks. 2. High Performance First peer-to-peer network operating system to equal or exceed the performance of most dedicated server systems. 3. Easy to Install and Use WEB ships on one 360K disk and installs in minutes. All network resources can be accessed through the network W drive with standard DOS commands and utilities. 4. Shared Resources Network users can share any and all programs, files, and devices regardless of where these resources are located on the network. 5. Security Five levels of security control the network's access to each user's files and devices. 6. Low Maintenance WEB is designed to meet the needs of the workgroup for file and device sharing. Network access to these resources is controlled by the user who owns the resource. 7. Electronic Mail E-Note, WEB's electronic mail application, is built in. WHAT IS WEB PAIRWARE? --------------------- The card-based version of WEB has been very successful. However, our research has shown that there are still many of you who: Don't know about WEB Can't afford expensive network interface cards Only want to connect two computers Want to easily connect/disconnect your laptop to your PC Want to try the software before you purchase a license For those of you who match one or more of these categories, WEBCORP has designed a special version of the WEB Network Operating System that works with a simple null modem serial cable. We call this special version WEB PairWare(tm). The product you have now is the "shareware" version of WEB PairWare 2.55 that lets you evaluate the full power and flexibility of a true peer-to- peer local area network for up to 30 days. We've created this shareware version because we feel that, after you try it, you'll agree with us that WEB is the best workgroup LAN available today and you'll want to purchase a registered license. NOTE! While you're evaluating this product, keep in mind that its performance is limited to the speed of the serial port. Card-based versions of WEB take full advantage of the speed of the network interface cards installed in the machines. WEB PAIRWARE 2.55 SPECIFICATIONS -------------------------------- 100% compatible with MS-DOS 3.10-5.x (3.2 not recommended). Supports PC,XT,AT 286/386/486 and 100% compatibles. Supports Dynamic Data Compression of network packets. Supports Windows 3.x in Real and Standard modes (the card-based versions of WEB support all modes). Supports DOS SHARE for file and record locking. Supports MS-NET APIs for multiuser program hooks, disk and device redirections, and node naming. Supports ARCnet, Ethernet, Star, Bus, Token Ring, and Token Bus topologies. Supports large packet sizes. Supports any network interface adapter that ships with a Novell- compatible IPX driver. Stations can be biased for peer, client, or server functionality. Station Manager can be loaded into high memory. THE WEB NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEM 3.00 ------------------------------------- In addition to the features mentioned above under version 2.55, the PairWare and card-based versions of WEB 3.00 add the following features: 1. Modular Design WEB has been divided into modules that can be loaded independently to configure peer, client, and server stations. 2. Support for Upper Memory Blocks All WEB modules can be loaded in upper memory blocks, leaving all conventional RAM available for applications. 3. IPX and SPX Support IPX and SPX are fully supported so programs such as modem sharing software and FAX servers will work with WEB. You may run Novell's IPX or WEB's interchangably. 4. NetWare(tm) Connectivity Support for Novell's NCP permits WEB stations to directly access NetWare servers as true NetWare clients. 5. Network Clock Synchronizes dates and times amoung all stations. 6. Multiple LPT and COM Support Enables each station to have up to four COM (serial) and four LPT (parallel) devices simultaneously defined for local use. 7. Fault Tolerant Print Spooling Unfinished spool jobs are preserved if a station goes down. 8. Remote Info Remote access to a station's driver statistics. 9. Station Loopback Adds the local station to the W drive so you can spool to your own devices and include your station in a network backup of the W drive. 10. Enhanced Printing Support Enhanced support for printing under Windows and with PostScript(tm) as well as support for the JETstream high-speed print card. 11. Burst Mode Support Burst mode is supported for maximum performance. This is a high- speed method of transferring data between machines when both machines are running WEB. 12. Enhanced Data Compression Support Dynamic Data Compression is supported for both reads and writes. 13. Directory-Independent Operation Permits the installation directory to be relocated. 14. Network Password Security A password can be assigned to prevent anyone from loading WEB. 15. Enhanced Network Install/Netsetup Programs Permits re-installation of drivers through Netsetup. NETWORK.INI settings may also be set from within these programs. 16. Enhanced Performance Speed is greatly enhanced. Supports full conventional RAM allocation for the creation of dedicated servers. 17. Error Logging Error messages reported by WEB applications are logged to a file. and much more... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEB, PairWare, Station Manager, E-Note, and WEBCORP are trademarks of WEBCORP. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe.